The International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples is calling on the UNFCCC Parties meeting in Katowice, Poland, to protect the world’s rapidly deteriorating mountain environments.
The Suusamyr Declaration was issued at the fifth INMIP Horizontal Learning – Exchange, which took place in Kyrgyzstan from the 26 – 31 of July, 2018. The declaration is agreed on by more than 50 indigenous mountain communities of 10 countries of South, Central and Southeast Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and Africa.
Click to read The Suusamyr Declaration
A presentation of the Declaration will be made at the COP24 on 6 December 2018, 11:00-12:00 Area E MYSY Room 24, by Alejandro Argumedo (Global Coordinator of INMIP)
Last year, over 100 indigenous peoples, representing 39
mountain communities, representatives from civil society, research, government and donor organisations, gathered in the Potato Park, Cusco, Peru, from 19 to
23 April 2017, for the fourth community to community
learning exchange of INMIP. The exchange brought
together these representative in aims to
discuss the role of indigenous and modern knowledge
systems in improving the wellbeing of mountain
communities in the face of climate change.
Biocultural Heritage Landscape and Territories
- Biocultural heritage includes the traditional knowledge, biodiversity,
- landscapes, cultural and spiritual values and customary laws of indigenous
- peoples and local communities, which are all inter-connected and ...
Traditional Knowledge Management Systems
- The Role of Traditional Knowledge and Biocultural Heritage in Adaptation
- Traditional knowledge provides empirical, place-based evidence that can
- complement and add clarity to scientific assessments, research, decision-
- making and ...
Cultural and Spiritual Values
- The cultural and spiritual values of indigenous peoples are critical to
- developing appropriate strategies to climate change adaptation in agriculture.
- The cultural and spiritual practices of indigenous mountain peoples' have
- developed ...
Crop Diversity
- Despite the high levels of insecurity, mountain environments host a diverse
- array of food crops and crop diversity, which continue to evolve under local
- farming systems. High levels of genetic diversity is important for food security
Traditional Water Management Systems
- Climate Change and Water Resources The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
- Change (IPCC) predicts that climate change will affect mountain water
- storage and delivery infrastructure around the world with highly ...
Community Seed Banks
- Seed saving is a traditional practice of smallholder farmers that allows them
- to cultivate a large number of local varieties, which have adapted to different
- environmental conditions and changes, including water shortages, strong
- winds ...
Seed Exchange
- Seed exchange is a traditional practice in indigenous communities which
- opens a space for accessing new crop varieties that allow for adaptation and
- enhancing crop diversity. The practice of seed exchange has enabled the
- diversity ...
Participatory Plant Breeding
- Mountain environments are facing not only increasing temperatures with
- climate change but also disruptions to their hydrological cycles resulting in
- more erratic rainfall that will intensify the already critical state of water
- scarcity ...
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
- Maintaining genetic diversity offers multiple benefits that contribute to the
- regulation of ecosystem services. Ecosystem functioning delivers a range of
- services that benefit human livelihoods including the provision of breathable
- air, ...