The International Network for Mountain Indigenous Peoples Global Coordination is pleased to announce the fifth annual «Horizontal Learning Exchange” walking workshop to be held in Kyrgyzstan from 26 – 31 of July 2018.
These annual exchanges are distinctive experiences, which bring together representatives of mountain communities from 11 countries to share knowledge and experiences in support of climate change adaptation and the scaling-up of effective innovations that enhance biodiversity, ecosystem integrity and cultural resilience. Previous learning exchanges have taken place in Bhutan (2014), Tajikistan (2015), China (2016) and Peru (2017). Reports on these events, as well as declarations produced by participants, can be found at
The fifth Horizontal Learning Exchange aims to revitalize biocultural heritage through the sharing of practical tools and know-how, and by providing a space for celebrating and reinforcing the vital importance of cultural and spiritual dimensions of biocultural heritage, including seeds, trees, water and landscapes.
Workshop Details
Dates and Location:
To take place from 7 – 14 of July 2018 in Kyrgyzstan
Agenda of exchange and Policy Dialogue:
The exchange will consist of three main events:
1. A Walking Workshop, in the unique mountain ecosystems and local biocultural landscapes of Kyrgyzstan will foster experiential learning and exchange of ideas to collaboratively explore solutions for climate resilient community development and biocultural heritage-based adaptation in mountain communities.
2. A Round Table, on climate change and migration will bring together diverse stakeholders to discuss the impacts of climate change, migration trends, biocultural heritage-based adaptation strategies, as well as capacity development needs.
3. INMIP’s annual meeting will address governance and administrative matters, identify network priorities, collaborative activities, policy engagement and network/institutional development opportunities.
The INMIP Secretariat will provide additional details about the exchange as it becomes available. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the members of the organizing team listed below.
Akylbek Kasymov, Bio-Muras, Kyrgystan,
Alejandro Argumedo, INMIP Secretariat,
Sara A. Gomez, Program Assistant,